Sunday, May 11, 2008

FUN MONDAY - What A Jerk

~THIS WEEK'S FUN MONDAY HOST: The ever expressive Sauntering Soul.

~THE ASSIGMENT ~I know we all try to be sweet and kind to people the majority of the time. But let's face it....we also know that sometimes we can be a big jerk. It could be that you experience road rage from time to time. Perhaps you empty the coffee pot at work some mornings and don't feel like taking the time to start a new pot for the next person. Or maybe you don't return phone calls on a timely basis when you know someone needs a response from you. Have you ever "accidentally" ruined a favorite shirt of your spouse just because you didn't care for it? Come on - it's confession time! List the small things you do that make you a jerk and elaborate just a bit on each one. Please tell me I'm not the only jerk around here!

This one was way too easy I have so many but I’ll stick to just three:
I dislike children - while I would never hurt a child and I tolerate those of my friends and family I do not like them. Yes I’m the Jerk who in my best dog training voice who will tell a bratty kid to “settle down” or “your mother said SIT” as Mommy dearest is try to compromise with the little darling. If asked I will say it is because they and noise, sticky and demand attention. Truth is I think we are too much alike and for reasons unknown to me they seem to be attracted to me. I do not want children (I have dogs, I like dogs) You should never leave me along with you children and a roll of duct tape)
Sarcastic - yep that’s me ‘good glory’ even in my blogs the sarcasms drip through Note; “Mommy dearest is try to compromise with the little darling” So I’m a Sarcastic Jerk.
To the point that I will say “that nice” when I’m thinking “you stupid twit …..” This is an inside joke with friend and family.

Not sure why but I’m the Jerk who takes a penny and doesn’t leave one.

Thanks for stopping by
Be sure to stop by and visit the others player at Sauntering Soul to what jerks they are.


Mariposa said...

I so love you already...cheers to sarcastic people!

On the other hand...children are the only beings on earth whom I can be patient with... ;)

Happy Fun Monday!

Alison said...

You remind me of my good friend...she feels the same way as you about kids..she loves her dogs and cats..but for some reason she loves my daughter!!!

Sayre said...

My grandmother was like that. She didn't think kids got interesting until they were in their middle teens. And actually, I'm like that. I love my son to pieces, but pretty much can't stand anyone else's kids unless they've been "well trained".

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Oh yes, I am so with you on the children thing!

Hootin Anni said...

I don't see the jerk in you at all. So you don't like kids...nothing in this world says you MUST like 'em or else. There are millions out in the world that feel the same way, and it doesn't make them jerks.

Swampwitch said...

Even though, I have lots of patience with "most" children, I hear you.
Sarcasm: I'm the Queen of.
Be sure to head back to my place for an Update. Someone is stealing Fun Monday Posts. Beware.
It will make you giggle. At least smile.

Swampwitch said...

OH, I forgot. I love your: IamwhoIam...

I sign my cards: As Is...and sometimes: What you see is what you get...

Nikki said...

I can't stand children whose parents don't parent. Makes me want to smack them all upside the head.


Jo Beaufoix said...

i hate bratty kids, and their parents are normally completely annoying too, hence the bratty kids. And sarcasm is necessary in this world. And it makes me laugh. :D

And I wish I needed others approval a little less, though I'm getting better at it. :D

Karmyn R said...

I love sarcasm. But - for some reason, a lot of people don't get it.

And you want to know something - I don't like "Most" children - especially those that are given to "brattiness"

Dreaming What Ifs...

j said...

OK, if you are going to be SO brutally honest, so am I. I adore my kids but other people's kids drive me nuts. And I have never admitted that to anyone but my husband!!

Be blessed.


Faye said...

Have to admit to agreeing with you about children. When friends gush about a new baby always say--to them--too bad it's not a golden retreiver pup. I now understand where iamwhoiam comes from!

P.S. my slightly tardy FM post is up--is that being a jerk?

Sauntering Soul said...

I'm kind of with you on the kids thing too. I like kids okay and I love the kids in my family but at this poing, I don't really want any of my own that go home with me every night.

And I love sarcasm too. You might be my hero.

Sauntering Soul said...

Okay that should have said "at this point" not "at this poing" which makes no sense whatsoever.

Celeste said...

I used to want children, but now, the older I get the more I love my dogs.

Anonymous said...

I live with sarcasm day in and day out and as far as I am concerned every sarcastic person can be rounded up and put on an island. Then their vibrations can harmonize together and leave the rest of us to our own harmony.

SwampAngel65 said...

My child can be a complete brat at times. Nothing I've tried works when he's in one of his "moods". II guess just ignoring him works the best, I think, but some people would say I'm not parenting him at those times. Well, I am. Ignoring him pisses him off, and eventually he stops.

My son can tell when someone doesn't like him and he tends to be even worse when around those people. kids are the best and I love them and that's all that matters. If people don't like them, then they don't have to be around them.

kitten said...

Yours is the best FM yet! Maybe we are long distant related. LOL!
I like kids thou, I have problems with adults. Well, except in the blogging world!

Unknown said...

I don't think that's all that jerkie. :) I don't like bratty kids at all. Or whiny. I hate to hear whines. :) Kids or dogs though on the whining, it just grates my nerves. :)

Peter said...

WOW!!! you sure brought some child haters out of the woodwork with this post, I'm a bit like most of them.... my kids were great its just the others that are the problem.

Tiggerlane said...

Sarcasm is a skill, not a bad thing! And, can I leave you alone with my 14-year old? PROMISE me you'll bring duct tape?

Patience-please said...

I fear most children. There are a few delightful exceptions, but only in small doses.

Melanie said...

I don't think that not liking children makes you a jerk. As long as you don't treat them badly it is your right not to like kids.

You'd like mine though- she's a sweety ;)

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